Friday, June 04, 2010

Niniko Express

Every working morning, panting to office, the first thing that came into hearing would be the "delighting you always music", and at times, some reports by our own canon express... doing the routines daily do really make things pretty mundane....

it's a night of emote....

This song is realli nice to emote on:


狼狈 沉默 放空 泪光 胡渣 心痛
我不能跟朋友说 你做的事让他们觉得

欺骗 自私 辩驳 嘴角 眼神 冷漠
我强忍爱流血了 但承受不了冤枉的痛 
你的心变了还说 是我的错 

伤害你伤害自己 只会让我可悲透了 
找新的爱伪装幸福 却假的更寂寞 
世界在向前翻滚 没有谁能倒退着走
一厢情愿能够 伤亡多惨重

罗志祥 - 危险的念头

lol... Some of Show's songs really speaks very well emotionally.....

like 搞笑 and many more...

hmmm... maybe it's a night to emote....
it's been a busy week, but fast and furious too... fulfilling is the best aftermath even though it's pretty draining at times.... Sometimes i wonder.... whether i'm living my life as an empty shell now... with no source of electricity to plug myself in.... many other substitution came in place, yet am i really happy? 

"Happiness is a moment
Joy last forever"

Yet again, it forever lies with a choice....
Typed off,

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Show Lou

Show Lou
A great dancer... :D