Wednesday, December 08, 2010

It's the end or a new beginning?

Before we all knew it, our faithful companion has slide pass us with it's consistent speed, ever readiness to cause changes in us n around us. It has never fail us - Time.

Ever heard of how there is an account where every creature on earth possess. Equally distributed amongst us, no one being favored more than the other. And, It's how we manage and utilize it that makes us prosper or "rich" in life.
An account of time.
If time = $, certainly that statement is valid.
As I reflect back on how this year has been for mi, it seems like I only vaguely remember how the same routine kept repeating over and over. This makes mi really sad... Sad that I didn't really manage to fulfill all my 2010' resolutions... And how my life has changed since I stop being as committed as I've used to be... "Oh come on, don't emote!" I've got to tell myself that to keep going on.
*~Upset, nervous, lonely, depress, remorseful, peaceful, anger, gladness, grateful, happy, excited, and so much more emotions unnamed. And all these can be summarize into one word - Life.

Love it or live with it.
I chose Love. Really, did I?

Interestingly, after writing all these, suddenly this sentence popped into my mind:-
Life : Live It For Elijah

Is it the end or the beginning? All boil down to choices we made in life. Thank u for reading~*

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Show Lou

Show Lou
A great dancer... :D